Aloha Ambassador Homeless Outreach

Homeless Outreach

At the heart of the Waikiki Business Improvement District’s Aloha Ambassador Program is our dedicated Homeless Outreach Ambassador. This role is pivotal in coordinating with the Institute for Human Services, Honolulu PD, and various stakeholders, focusing on the needs of the mentally ill and homeless within Waikiki. Prioritizing investment in this area is a testament to WBID’s commitment to compassion and community welfare, ensuring that the most vulnerable are connected with the necessary services and support to foster safety, health, and overall wellbeing in the district.

Get In Touch

If you’d like to compliment an Aloha Ambassador, report any issues, or provide feedback on our services, we invite you to through this portal. Your input is invaluable in helping us maintain and enhance the beauty and safety of Waikiki for everyone.

Pioneering Second Chances: Breaking the Cycle of Crime

Through our Safe and Sound program, the Waikiki Business Improvement District has embraced innovation through its “second chance” employment initiative for recently released inmates from the Laumauka Work Furlough Center. The program has employed over 14 of individuals as Aloha Ambassadors, offering them a pathway back into society, while simultaneously enriching our community with their unique perspectives and burgeoning potential.

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Aloha Ambassadors
